Holy Land Pilgrimage Cancelled
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you.
Peace be within your walls, and security within your towers.”
Sadly, we must cancel our long-awaited, prayed-for pilgrimage. Your deposits will be refunded, as soon as possible. Cancelling the pilgrimage now should assist you with working with the airlines. Victoria Elie and I are here to assist.
Some background seems in order. As we all know, Israel is at war with Hamas, an Islamist terrorist movement which operates out of the Gaza Strip, 140 square miles of land located in the southwest corner of Israel, along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Over the years, Hamas has become increasingly militant, more determined to destroy Israel.
Hamas is one of two political parties which governs the two-million Palestinian people who see themselves as an occupied people in the State of Israel. While the Gaza, the most densely populated place on earth is under Hamas, the West Bank is administered by Israel, though 42% of it is under varying degrees of autonomous rule by the Fatah-run Palestinian Authority.
For the moment, the West Bank is quiet and has not joined Hamas in the War. Another dark cloud, of course, is in the north of Israel. In Lebanese territory across the “Blue Line” is Hezbollah, a Shia Islamist political party and radical militant group with rockets aimed at Israel. The operations of both Hamas and Hezbollah are most likely encouraged and funded by the Islamic Republic of Iran. The abiding fear now is that Hezbollah will enter the fray and that the Israel-Hamas War will become a regional conflict with disastrous implications.
With such dangers and uncertainties, we would not be safe in Israel or the West Bank which includes Bethlehem. God willing, yes, there will be a time for us to make a pilgrimage to our spiritual home! Such pilgrimages are more necessary than ever. Christians must stay connected to our brothers and sisters (Arabs and Israelis; Muslims and Jews) in the Precious Land of the Holy One.
With prayers and hope, I am,