A letter from Pere Michaud
Dearest Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We take this moment to inform you that Haiti is experiencing difficult times, insecurity everywhere, even in the most remote areas. But in Delandes we stand firm. Activities are going well. The school operates normally.
In this area, parents practice agriculture to provide for the needs of their children (school payment and daily meals, etc.). But with the rise in insecurity, it is difficult to find fertilizer for farmers that can help them with the harvest. Since the end of September until today, there has been no rain. Plants are destroyed by the sun. The people are experiencing a very bad moment in their life. Most parents are currently having enormous difficulty paying school fees, teachers are sometimes demotivated by the fact that their salary does not correspond to the cost of life and the difficulty for the school to pay them on time. The school is the one thing they do to take care of themselves and their family.
All this explains the difficult times faced by the school for which I am administratively in charge.
Once again thank you so much for all that you do for us in Deslandes. Without your support this school will stop existing. You are very important for us in Deslandes, you are very good for us. We love you so much our Brothers and Sisters in St. John’s. You are always in the beginning of our prayers.
In this day of events,
May God bless you all for his glory.
Your Brother in Christ,
Priest in Charge
St. Matthias Church and School
Deslandes, Haiti
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