Gift for Mary Beth: Final week
As you all know, our beloved Curate Mary Beth has been called to new work at the end of the summer.
We are all so excited for her and will be keeping her in our prayers as she makes the arduous preparation not only to move, which is stressful in itself but also to lead in new ways. I know that Holy Spirit has been her constant companion and will gracefully lead her into this new ministry and surround her with love from above.
As we prepare to say fare well and thank you to Mary Beth, I want to invite the congregation to join me in donating towards a gift of a “purse” that Mary Beth can put to use either in moving or in preparing her new home, or, honestly, in any way she would like.
Gifts can be sent by check, made out to the church with “Mary Beth’s Purse” in the memo line at PO Box 266, Cold Spring Harbor 11724. You can also bring a check by the church and give it to Jaime at the front desk, or put it in the offering plate on any Sunday between now and when she departs around August 25th.
Of course, if you would prefer to make the check out to her and include it in a card, you should always feel free to do so.
I hope you will join me in this expression of thanks to Mary Beth.