Final Burying Ground Clean-up for 2021

Harbor Road Burying Ground
Join us for the final Satruday for our Fall Clean-up of our historic African American Burying Ground.
Volunteers of any age are needed to help remove leaves and weeds delicately from around the 30+ informal headstones in this historic burying ground. This clean-up gives us the opportunity to care for this historic site and connect with our neighbors over the shared work of reverent cleaning. The burying ground is the site of 2 formal headstones and many more informal carefully placed markers that denote the burying place of many people of color who worked on or near the church property from the earliest parts of Long Island History. We don't know much about who is buried in our historic burying ground, but this work is part of a much larger project to reconnect to our shared history and understand more fully our place in it.
Tools, particularly leaf blowers, Gloves, and Long Sleeve Work Gear Recommended.
Parking is at 290 Harbor Road (St. John's Church Rectory).
For more information contact Gideon.