Hurricane Prayer and Relief Efforts

Many of us have been devastated watching the incredible destruction from Hurricanes Helene and Milton unfold.
These recent storms have been massive, and the destruction they have caused has been widespread and unimaginable. Many of you have reached out to me to ask how to help. There are countless resources available, but Episcopal Relief and Development is always a dependable resource that works through Episcopal churches to deliver aid and help in recovery. Of course, there are many others like the American Red Cross, the Mennonite Disaster Services, and Samaraitan's Purse who are all very active in the Appalachian plateau as a normal part of their ministry and ready to help now.
There have also been requests for the prayer I offered at the end of the prayers of the people last week. It follows below.
Almighty God, who calmed the storm that threatened your disciples' boat. The same God who raised Lazarus to new life. The same God who promises restoration and peace for the whole creation and for our spirits: help us to respond with love to all those whose lives are changed by the devastation of Hurricane Helene.
Give our leaders wisdom as they make plans for rescue and recovery. And draw us all ever closer to you and each other as we remember that, in every storm we face, you are our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Finally, we pray, give us, who were not in harms way in this storm the grace to comfort and aid others in need; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen.
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