Lift Every Voice and Sing: The Details
The Invitation
St. John’s is opening its doors, and you are invited to sign-up for in-person session(s) with me, Jun Kim, St. John’s Director of Music, whether your interest be:
- singing hymns, or
- learning about voice, or
- working on sight-singing, or
- learning to sing in a choir, or
- learning about handbells, or
- joining the youth choir (weekly sessions recommended), or
- taking part in Royal School of Church Music program, or
- joining the adult choir, or
- developing your skills as chorister (youth or adult), or
- recording your voice for “virtual choir” / “virtual congregational choir”, or
- all of the above.
Each session will last 30 minutes in duration (maximum), and it will take place in our Sanctuary that will be disinfected immediately after each use. Those wishing to participate individually are welcome to do so, while those wishing to participate as family of one household are encouraged to participate together. You are welcome to sign-up for one session, or one session every week. Our goal is to ensure the growth of our youth and adult choirs, while nurturing the spiritual health of St. John’s community through music. Additional slots will be added on as the need arises.
The month of October will be designated as a “trial” period, after which, adjustments will be made for the future months.
The Sign-up:
Using the Doodle poll link below, please sign-up by typing your first and last name on the left column, and then selecting the session(s) by clicking on the square box(es) to the right.
Please pay particular attention to the date and time as multiple sessions are offered each day. After selecting the desired session(s), click “Send” located below to the right. And that’s it.
Things to keep in mind:
- Please contact me prior to attending the session if you or a member of your family have:
- had any symptoms not explained by previous conditions that include any of the following: fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath / difficulty breathing chills, muscle pain, loss of taste or smell.
- been in close or proximate contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19
- tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days
- temperature of 100.0 F degrees or GREATER.
- Please use the “main” Sanctuary entrance.
- Please attend the sessions “masked”, as I will need to approach closely to measure your temperature. You are permitted to un-mask for the singing portion of the session.
- Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- One designated bathroom will be available for use. Immediately after each session, it will be disinfected.
- Social distancing of 25 feet will be maintained throughout the session.
Tags: Music / Latest Posts