Making a Commitment to St. John's
Dear Friends,
We are all so fortunate to be part of the St. John’s community. The beautiful church by the pond that welcomes all to seek and serve Christ in all persons. One together - clergy, staff, vestry, volunteers, members, and friends – throughout the year we help to make what St. John’s is and does for each other. We all give our gifts of time, talent, and treasure throughout the year to help St. John’s fulfill its mission and ministries.
As we progress through our annual appeal season, we are reminded of all that makes St. John’s what it is and we are asked to make a promise to provide a financial gift of support to St. John’s so it may continue to be there for us and the community. Your pledge is carefully, prayerfully, and lovingly invested in our parish. From music to fellowship to building upkeep and more, each dollar has a purpose, plan and makes a difference in our lives and the lives of others.
Pledging one’s financial commitment allows the Finance Committee and Vestry to budget church operations and plan the programs and outreach we can support in the upcoming year. Every pledge, regardless of amount, truly matters and will help to strengthen our ministries in the coming year. To the extent that you are able, we ask you to consider an annual pledge of your income. We recognize very much that we each have different capacities for giving, and every gift or pledge will be gratefully received.
In preparation for this article I asked a few friends to tell me what St. John’s means to them and why they pledge. Each thoughtfully and willingly conveyed their personal story. One friend wrote: “An annual pledge to St. John’s is an important commitment of your gift to the collective strength of our parish in fulfillment of its mission. It is one part of your stewardship of God’s love, grace, and bounteous gifts to each one of us.” I encourage you to read our fellow parishioners’ personal stories below and then as ask that you consider joining us so we may be one together in supporting St. John’s many ministries in 2021.
Nina Muller
Stewardship Chair