Meditation for Optimal Living

Wednesday, December 4, 6:45 - 8:00 pm
Bleecker Hall, St. John’s Church
The next Meditation for Optimal Living class will be on Wednesday December 4, from 6:45 - 8 pm in Bleecker Hall. Come and learn relaxation and breathing techniques that will deepen your sense of inner calmness. As you integrate meditating into your life, you will begin to experience a consistent level of clarity, positivity and open-hearted well-being.
There will be two 20-minute seated meditations as well as discussion. You do not need to have attended any previous classes. CDs and MP3 recordings are available as guides for your meditations at home. Irene Gubrud Finch is the instructor. Open and Free to All.
Tags: October 2019 / November 2019 / December 2019 / Community / Newsletter