New Lector Procedures Starting in July
Because of the changes to our worship schedule and the opportunity to reopen the church, beginning July 5 we are inviting some changes to our reading schedule. First, in order to limit the length of our services to prevent the likely spread of illness moving forward, there will only be one reading in addition to the Gospel. That reading will be determined by the preacher by the Tuesday immediately preceding the Sunday of the service, but lectors can prepare both readings if they choose to or if they prefer to prepare early by downloading the readings from Ministry Scheduler Pro. The readings will be the same at both the 8 am in-person and 9 am recorded services.
Lectors at the 8 am service will be in-person at the service. Lectors will be provided with their readings by the presider on arrival.
Our 9 am service will continue to be streamed over the internet but is not live. Lectors who wish to can coordinate with the presiding clergy person to have their reading recorded in the church during the week between Monday and Thursday. Lectors who would prefer to read over Zoom are still free to do so if they wish.
For the month of July, lectors should coordinate with Mary Beth ([email protected]) and August lectors should coordinate with Gideon ([email protected]).
Thank you for your understanding and attention to these changes.
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