Outreach is Listening!

St. John's Outreach is in the midst of a renewal initiative designed to help us be more responsive to the changing needs around us, as well as the changing needs of this congregation. To help us learn and grow together, we are conducting a series of one to one conversations with parishioners and external community leaders.
We began these conversations over the summer, and they have turned out to be very rich. We would like to expand them to include as many parishioners as possible. Everyone in this congregation, whether or not you have been involved in Outreach, has something to offer this process. An added bonus is that it is also a really nice way to get to know your fellow parishioners better!
We really want to know your hopes, dreams and concerns for our local community and for the world at large. What are you thinking about? What keeps you up at night? What can St. John's do to help? What are you passionate about? What do you devote your time to? How can we engage more directly and meaningfully through our community service?
If you are interested in being a part of this listening process, please contact Laura Swiggett, [email protected], or use the form below.
We hope you will join the conversation and help us shape our Outreach program for the future -- 45 minutes over a cup of coffee is all it takes!
Listening Process
Thank you for your willingess to participate in our Listening Campaign. We will be in touch shortly to schedule a time to visit.

Tags: September 2019 / Latest Posts / Outreach / Newsletter