Oyster Gardening Training & Cage Building
Saturday, June 8
9 am - 12 pm
The WaterFront Center
Oyster Bay, NY
All shellfish gardeners should plan on attending this training to build their oyster cages, learn how to care for their oysters and bring home their cages - oysters will arrive in July!
In the past two seasons the Oyster Bay/Cold Spring Harbor Protection Committee, Friends of the Bay, the Village of Laurel Hollow, Cornell Cooperative Extension and numerous other organizations, along with dozens of residents, have established a Community Shellfish Gardening Program. As part of this program, oyster gardeners (local residents like you) are provided everything they need - no experience required! This includes basic training, equipment and ongoing support necessary to successfully grow-out juvenile oysters in floats on community moorings or on their own docks for enhancement purposes only (i.e. not for consumption). Each shellfish garden consists of 1,000 oysters to grow out in one or two floats. Participants work together to clean their floats and measure their oysters at least twice per month.
There is still time for you or your friends to register to be an oyster gardener this season in Laurel Hollow, Bayville, or on your own dock. Click the link to learn more about the program and to register, please go to: eventbee.com/v/shellfishgarden19#/tickets.
Tags: June 2019 / Newsletter / BlueGreen Theology / Volunteer Opportunities