Preserve Our History: Harbor Road Burying Ground Mapping

Saturday, March 28, 10 am & 12 noon
Harbor Road Burial Ground
290 Harbor Rd, Cold Spring Harbor
Help us to preserve our Historic Burying Ground by joining in a collaborative mapping project.
The stones used to mark the graves in the burying ground are informal field stones. Some are obvious, some are less obvious. In order to assess how many people are laid to rest in our historic site join us as we map all the stones in the burying ground.
Two professional archaeologists, Dr. Allison McGovern (Senior Archaeologist, VHB Engineering) and Sarah Kautz (Preservation Director, Preservation Long Island), will work with volunteers to document the Harbor Road Burying Ground. Volunteers may assist in the following activities: mapping the cemetery, recording graves and grave markers, completing site forms, taking photos, and cutting invasive vines.
The event is limited to 25 participants per shift and a sign up is required.
Tags: March 2020 / African American Cemetery / Calendar / Newsletter