The Cold Springer - Week of December 23rd, 2018

Sunday, Dec. 23rd, 2018 - Holy Eucharist
Moving towards Elizabeth
In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. Gospel of Luke
In those days. In those days. Those days after Gabriel the archangel came to visit Mary. The angel told Mary that she would have a baby. She wondered if, having been chosen, she even had a choice in the matter. Then the angel visited Mary’s betrothed, Joseph, in a dream. His fiancée was pregnant, they weren’t married and he hadn’t been with her. Joseph was going to take a little convincing to stick this out. Gabriel prevailed upon him, though. “Of course it’s worth it,” the angel sang, “the future of the world hangs in the balance.”
Not only was it a divine, beyond understanding, and confusing pregnancy, it was scary. To be “with child” outside of marriage was enough to get you death. With real stones. Until you died. No questions asked. And if they were asked, the chance that you had a decent boyfriend who would not ghost you - because an angel, in a dream told him not to - was more rare than frankincense.
The situation was more than a little precarious; it was a grave secret. Mary was filled with apprehension but in equal measure, if not more, with hope for peace and justice. It was her son’s potential, only imagined at this point, that compelled her to keep this news close to her chest and ponder it in her heart.
In those days, though, she decided to visit her relative Elizabeth. After all, Elizabeth knew what a rather unexpected pregnancy was like. One divinely announced. It wasn’t that Elizabeth was a young virgin, it was that she was too old to expect to have a baby. They were like bookends - Mary and Elizabeth - two sides of a coin, the alpha and the omega.
There’s something to be said about knowing exactly who to spend a few minutes, days, weeks or months with when things get complicated. Who do we reach out to when we are scared, need protection, love and understanding? When we are seeking shelter from the storm? Someone like Elizabeth, who - without a dream angel, without a word between them - believes that something serious has happened to Mary, and knows that it’s wonderful.
Elizabeth doesn’t say, “Yeah right, Mary! The Holy Spirit got you preggers?” She says, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Elizabeth doesn’t curse her out, call her a slut or child a bastard, she doesn’t curse Mary, she does the very opposite: “blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord."
Not only are we in need of people like Elizabeth, we need to be like Elizabeth for other people. We need to surround ourselves with persons who bless our potential and we need to remember to bless the potential that fills every human soul. In those days, when Mary went to see her relative Elizabeth, they were a blessing to one another. They sought the goodness and hopefulness in what were very complex circumstances.
May we, in this Advent season, seek to be a living embrace to those children and adults whose potential is ready to burst forth, blessing them with our loving and positive support. May we seek in ernest those who honor and cherish the potential that grows in us, who support us and believe that we are capable of producing amazing things.
Watching and waiting, in Christ, for Christ,
The Reverend Jesse Lebus
Children's Chapel
For children, the path to spiritual growth is about learning the stories of the bible. It’s also about developing small habits that when stacked together build the foundation for a Christian life. Saying we are sorry, forgiving each other, saying grace before meals and praying the Lord’s prayer are a great start. This time of year we find ways to journey to the manger – Advent wreaths and calendars are great for this one – there are many ways to bring Christ into the family.
This week in Sunday School we are going to tell the story of the Visitation, when Mary went to see her cousin Elizabeth, and what happened when they met. Students will have an age appropriate discussion about the story and then make Mary ornaments to help decorate the church this Friday.
The pageant dress rehearsal will happen after the 10am service. All ages are expected and our organist Carol Weitner will be there to play us through. While many of the roles for older children have been cast, if you have a child who wants to be in the pageant but has not been to rehearsals thus far, come by and we will do our best to find a spot.
Elements of Faith
For the season of Advent our Elements of Faith class will focus on the Sunday lessons as well as begin creating an icon mural to add some orthodox flavor to our holiday decorations. Each week different elements of the mural are introduced to the class. The long story of the Incarnation unfolds in the images of Ruth, King David, John the Baptist and Joseph’s dream.
The pageant dress rehearsal will happen after the 10am service. All ages are expected and our organist Carol Weitner will be there to play us through. While many of the roles for older children have been cast, if you have a child who wants to be in the pageant but has not been to rehearsals thus far, come by and we will do our best to find a spot.
Family Friday - Greening of the Church
St. John's Church
This will be a very fun time at St. John's. Youth and their families will join our Flower Committee to help decorate the church for Christmas. They will also put up all of the seasonal crafts that they have made through Advent. And that's just the beginning. There will also be food! Good food! Come families and help own the church this Christmas!
Tags: Youth & Families / Youth Formation & Worship / Worship / Opportunities for Youth & Family Fellowship