VBS and Choir Camp a great success!
St. John’s Choir and Children’s Ministry hosted a very successful Vacation Bible School and Choir Camp. 20 children from pre-k to high school participated in the 5-day program!
The camp used the “Abundant Life” curriculum from Episcopal Relief and Development. Each day began in worship, moved through reflection on the themes of God’s abundance, and included two sessions of choir camp to prepare for the choir year ahead and to refresh the skills learned in our “Voices for Life” program. Participants played games, made art, and sang about the gift of abundant life that God pours into our hearts through God’s love and the Holy Spirit. They also reflected on how the church is a vehicle for God’s abundant life for others, particularly those in the developing world.
The days' themes included water, soil, seeds, animals, and harvest, and each aligned beautifully with our practice of caring for creation and the themes of our BlueGreen Theology initiatives. The pond and grounds provided our young participants with all the laboratory they needed to see God’s abundance in evidence.
“I am so thankful for the Abundant Life VBS and Choir Camp. It was just the boost we need to begin our incredible program year with our choirs and our kids,” said St. John’s Rector, Gideon Pollach. “I can’t tell you how proud I was of Mary Beth and Bryce for all they accomplished in the program,” he added.
The program was ably assisted by Vikki Reres, and youth volunteers Wood Pollach and Sam Murphy.
The curriculum was written by the staff at Episcopal Relief and Development. Episcopal Relief & Development works in collaboration with church partners and other local organizations to facilitate healthier, more fulfilling lives in communities that are struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster, and disease. They also work worldwide and here in the US, responding to and rebuilding after disasters. Their programs impact the lives of over 3 million people annually. For more information, check out their website: https://www.episcopalrelief.org/
Mr. Pollach added: “I am grateful to Episcopal Relief and Development for such a fine curriculum that raised the world's needs to the attention of our kids and taught our kids such a valuable lesson about God’s desire for humanity.”
Photos are available on our website by clicking the button below.
Abundant Life Vacation Bible School and Choir Camp
August, 2022.
Tags: Latest Posts / Junior Choir - Grades 3-6 / Music / Youth & Families / Outreach