‘Who are these, robed in white, and where have they come from?’ (Rev. 9:13)
Lay Eucharistic Ministry Training
9:15 am, Sunday, September 18, 2022
Strong lay participation in every part of the church’s life is a hallmark of the American expression of the Episcopal Church. One of the most visible, and for some reverent, ways of participating in the liturgical leadership of the church is as a Lay Eucharistic Minister, or LEM.
LEM’s play a vital role in the celebration and distribution of Holy Communion at St. John’s. Symbolically they represent the congregation around the table and functionally they help the clergy to efficiently serve the eucharist. We have had as many two at each celebration of Holy Communion. If you are feeling drawn to deeper and more reverent participation in the Eucharistic Celebration, perhaps this ministry is for you!
This ministry is open to anyone who has been confirmed and who is interested. We offer a training session annually to support our LEMs to feel comfortable and confident in their ministry. To sign up please email Gideon, or sign up at the Holy Smokes Barbecue. If you have any questions please contact Barry Grace.