School Care Packages for College & Boarding Schools
Meditation for Optimal Living
Family Friday - All Souls Cemetery Walk
St. John's Day is Coming! Quam Dilecta!
First Family First Friday - TODAY!
St. John's Newcomers' Brunch
St. Francis Day Blessing of the Animals
Concerts by the Pond presents: Northern Harmony
Aging in Place presents: "Awaken Your Brain with Music!"
North Country Garden Club's National Flower Show at St. John's
Adult Education

Rector’s Bible Study
Mondays, 12 noon (except holiday Mondays)
The Rector’s Bible Study is an opportunity at the start of the week to study the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday. The study will focus on the place of the assigned texts in the larger canon of scripture, their resonances in Christian tradition and the history of their interpretation. It is a chance to bring your ques…
Aging in Place

St. John's Aging in Place group, formed in 2011, presents an annual series of lunchtime programs in Bleecker Hall for parishioners and community members. Topics are issues of concern to those growing old in our area and/or those caring for relatives or friends. Clergy and other experts make presentations and lead discussions. Programs are generally scheduled on a Tuesday at 12:00…
Read More »Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not a…
Read More »Caring Connection

Caring Connection links parish volunteers with fellow parishioners when an "extra pair of hands" would be appreciated.
What does Caring Connection offer?
- Rides to church and church events
- Driving to occasional appointments, etc.
- Occasional help with marketing
- An occasional meal
- A friendly visit or telephone call
- Get well and condolence cards
- A warm shawl as a symbol of caring
- Information …
BlueGreen Theology
‘But ask the animals, and they will teach you;
the birds of the air, and they will tell you;
ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you;
and the fish of the sea will declare to you.
Who among all these does not know
that the hand of the Lord has done this?
In his hand is the life of every living thing
and the breath of every human being.'
Job 12:7-10
St. John’…
Read More »Outreach

The Outreach Committee provides St. John's with a coordinated and effective channel for helping our under-resourced neighbors help themselves.
As a vital part of St. John's mission of outreach, the Outreach Committee....
- Supports local, national and international organizations that help people to help themselves.
- Contributes volunteers and donations to local efforts to prevent h…
St. John's Day Camp

St. John's Day Camp has been serving young children in the Huntington area for over 40 years. It has been funded in part through contributions of individual parishioners and friends of St. John's Church. It serves eighty children, ages four to six years old, for six weeks. This day camp is a program of enrichment, and it is staffed with professionals from the Huntington area. The…
Read More »St. Matthias Fellowship, Haiti

St. Matthias Fellowship Celebrates Friendship (and a New Water Well!)
The St. Matthias Fellowship held a retreat in September 2017 to reflect on the Fellowship's mission, goals, and objectives. It has been almost eight years since St. John's first teamed up with St. Matthias School in Deslandes, Haiti. The retreat revealed new insights and ideas about our work together, and affi…
Read More »Volunteer Opportunities

Join the Hospitality Team - Everyone is Welcome!
Have you ever wondered who puts together the many social events at St. John's - Coffee Hours, picnics, BBQ's, and receptions? The Hospitality Team organizes it all. Hospitality is a vital and fun part of the fellowship of St. John's. We welcome you to join our committee, host a Coffee Hour or to help occasionally at one of our event…
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